Bioindustry 4.0 annual meeting in Athens

First annual meeting

As a fresh start into 2024, Bioindustry 4.0 consortium met in Athens to celebrate a year since the project launch and to exchange latest updates. From the 15th to the 18th of January participants were presenting recent achievements and recalibrating project plans and agendas based on feedback from partners. 

Seven interactive workshops helped to resolve accumulated questions and to gain new perspectives. Mostly held by representatives from the scientific work packages, they focused on bringing the minds of the diverse consortium specialists together to tackle challenges, for example defining a minimal information model for fermentation experiments. Others, such as the workshop on state of the art data sharing, introduced a variety of options to receive direct feedback from potential users amongst the consortium.

Annual meeting 2024

A social dinner with a view of the Acropolis hill stimulated team-building and inspired our Valencian partners (UVEG) to host the next annual meeting in 2025.