Summer Webinar

29-31 August 2023 - Summer Webinar


Summer Webinar

At the end of August, many participants from the  Bioindustry 4.0 team gathered for a three-day internal Webinar series, during which different work package leaders and experts presented more about their plans and approaches. 

The webinar provided informative talks and enabled helpful exchange between participants from widely divergent backgrounds.

The Summer Webinar ended on a high note, and participants are looking forward to meeting in person at the next annual meeting. Read onwards for the details:


  • On the 29th of August Antonis Kokossis (NTUA) & Antonio del Rio Chanona (Imperial College London) talked about digital shadows, digital twins, and their applications in the life sciences. Following that, Peter Blomberg (VTT) presented more about the PAT devices being developed for Bioindustry 4.0.


  • On the 30th of August Jasper Koehorst (WU) explained the challenges of data management and what it takes for a data fabric to be established. In the following session, members from the Communication team (IT, BFC, CNR) went through the differences of communication and dissemination, and talked about how to approach both.


  • On the last day of the webinar Heleen De Wever (VITO) shared her plans for future training sessions, which will be targeted to a variety of potential groups, both internal and external. Finally, project coordinator Michael O’Donohue (INRAE) led an interactive workshop, where all participants learned and refined their comprehension of Bioindustry 4.0's key components


Modification date: 19 August 2024 | Publication date: 31 August 2023 | By: Uliana Reutina